A NECESSARY COMPONENT OF HEMOGLOBIN Iron is a necessary component of hemoglobin; the oxygen carrier responsible for delivering oxygen to the cells; including muscle cells (1); Nature’s Bounty Iron helps promote normal red blood cell production (1)
HELPS MAINTAIN ENERGY UTILIZATION (1) Iron supports energy utilization; helping you to feel your best (1)
SUPPORTS WOMEN’S HEALTH (1) Everyone needs Iron; but pregnancy and menstruation may increase Iron requirements; Often recommended as a mineral supplement for women; Nature’s Bounty Iron offers the daily nutritional support you need (1)
NECESSARY FOR OVERALL HEALTH Taking a daily Iron supplement with Ferrus Sulfate helps provide your body with the iron it needs for daily functioning (1)
FROM THE TRUSTED WELLNESS EXPERTS Nature’s Bounty Iron is a product of 50 years of dedication to quality; consistency and scientific research to make vitamins and nutritional supplements of unrivaled excellence